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On behalf of our colleagues and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS) we extend a warm invitation to the ANZSCTS Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) 2024 held this year at Sofitel Noosa, Queensland from 7 - 9 November 2024.

This meeting will feature several dynamic international Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons. Our invited speakers are known for their enthusiasm, expertise and involvement in new technologies and current trials. The theme of the meeting is “Generation next: Cardiothoracic surgery for the future” and ANZSCTS has challenged the invited speakers to look to the future: What is the path our next surgeons will tread and what will the evolution of Cardiothoracic Surgery be?

ANZSCTS ASM 2024 will incorporate an Advanced Trainees Workshop and Wetlab, and a Cardiothoracic Nurse and Allied Health Education Day within the meeting program alongside a pre-meeting workshop on a specialised topic in surgery, aimed at Younger Fellows.

The scientific program will also include research abstracts along with an array of local invited speakers. This year ANZSCTS ASM 2024 is focusing upon innovation and evolution – with anticipated topics ranging from structural heart intervention to minimal access surgery; “old pathology” rheumatic heart disease to “new pathology” mechanical assist and, the congenital corners to the thoracic cage! There will be topics to pique the interest of all – from those at the beginning of their training in our specialty to those with a wealth of experience. The program will
also include rapid fire mini-oral sessions, poster presentations, along with several “masterclass” opportunities.

A major feature of the meeting is an inclusive trade and technical exhibition providing delegates with information around technological advances and innovation.

Noosa is a relaxed and beautiful location, a wonderful family holiday destination, and an iconic fitness location for the bushwalker to the triathlete. 

We look forward to seeing you at the ANZSCTS ASM 2024.

ANZSCTS ASM 2024 Organising Committee

Organising Committee

Andrie Stroebel Chief Scientific Convenor and ANZSCTS Chair, Science and Education Committee
Jordan Ross Scientific Convenor
Jazmin Eckhaus Scientific Convenor
Livia Williams Scientific Convenor
James Edelman ANZSCTS Trainees Day Convenor

Ben Robinson ANZSCTS Trainees Day Convenor
Toni Hains Nurse and Allied Health Education Day Convenor
Emily Granger ANZSCTS President
Ash Hardikar ANZSCTS Vice-President

Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS)

The Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons was formed to serve the medicopolitical
needs of cardiothoracic surgeons in Australia and New Zealand. It has amalgamated with the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery of the RACS. The Society plays an important role in the development of cardiac surgery services in Australia. The Society in conjunction with the Cardiac Society maintains the Journal, Heart Lung and Circulation.